
Apart from helping us see better when natural light is limited and thus contribute to our security and safety, electrical lighting can also be used to set the scene and create the mood for relaxation, entertainment, romance, home theatre and many more activities and experiences.

We can help you with;

  • Energy efficient interior and exterior lighting

IRC Low Voltage Lamps
LED down lights and fluorescent lamp replacement
Motion and Light Level Sensors
Energy management and auotmated lighting control systems

  • Control Automation

Using our contacts in the electrical control industry we can provide turnkey computerized control systems for all your electrical systems. These control systems can provide you with one touch control of lighting, air conditioning, sprinkler systems, appliances and more.
You can control your lights throughout the home from one location and program lights and appliances to come on while you are away to enhance your security.

Sometimes overlooked and often underestimated, lighting is key in achieving effective interior and exterior design.

Done well, it should be a seamless blend of function, atmosphere and flexibility to suit your individual tastes and requirements. With planning and careful thought, you can watch your room change and unfold as if by magic with a simple flick of a switch.

Lighting categories

There are six main types of lighting, and each performs a specific function. Together, they work to create a lighting scheme.

  • General: Otherwise known as ambient lighting, this is usually the main source of light in a room and should be the starting point for any lighting scheme. It could be natural light coming in through a window, ceiling downlights, a pendant light, or a large table lamp.
  • Task: This is lighting that helps you get a job done, such as lights positioned beneath kitchen units to illuminate a work surface, a table lamp in the study, or a vanity light in the bathroom.
  • Accent: These highlight special features, such as works of art. Think of a spotlight trained on a painting, or a recessed downlighter behind a sculpture or architectural feature to make it stand out. Remember, the eye is naturally drawn to the brightest area in a space, so make sure you conceal uplighters or downlighters well so the focus remains on the subject, rather than the light itself.
  • Decorative: These tend to be beautiful rather than functional, such as twinkling chandeliers or a string of fairy lights.
  • Information: Installed mainly for safety and information such as a downlighter above a doorbell, recessed lights near stair treads, or concealed uplighters along a garden path at night.
  • Natural: This is sumptuous, natural light, such as flickering candlelight or dappled sunlight through an open window and should never be overlooked as an effective lighting method.

Glen Clark & Co offer a full design and installation service where we talk to you about your expectations and help you realise the lighting effect you want. Contact us now!

Efficient light fixtures and lamps

  • Use fluorescent lights where possible, particularly in areas where lights are on for more than one hour at a time. Fluorescent bulbs give five times the light, last up to eight times longer than ordinary bulbs and are around 80 percent more energy efficient. Various colours are avilable in fluorescent lighting, the old days of a harsh white light washing the colour out of your decor are gone.
  • High efficiency multi-phosphor or tri-phosphor fluorescent lamps offer outstanding daylight-colour light quality, which is particularly advantageous in dining areas or sewing rooms. These lamps use the same amount of electricity as standard fluorescent tubes, but they provide about 15 percent more light output and will maintain their high light output after years of use.
  • Compact fluoresent lamps are now available for use in situations where you want dimming of the lighting available, these should not be overlooked as an effective and efficient lighting design medium.
  • Use white or pale coloured lampshades in preference to darker colours.
  • One third of all energy used in Victorian homes is for lighting. The most energy efficient lighting is natural light. But when night falls, energy saving light globes in high use areas are the best option to reduce your bill.  You can also reduce energy use by turning off lights when you leave a room or by using timers or sensors – particularly on outdoor security or garden lights.